Best Urologist in Siliguri to Recover Kidney Disease

Best Urologist in Siliguri to Recover Kidney Disease


An urologist is a physician who specialises in treating urinary tract diseases in children, women and men. If you are suffering from any kind of urinary tract condition you must visit an urologist in Siliguri and get yourself treated at the earliest stage. The symptoms of urinary tract diseases range from peeing too little or too much or the inability to give birth to a child.

The urinary tract of our body consists of Uterus, Kidney, Bladder and Urethra. The kidney is an important part of our body and primarily works as a filtering agent of waste materials. Several health complications can be caused due to the disease-prone nature of the kidney.

Some of such complications include :-

  • Unexplained weight
  • Blood in urine
  • Swollen ankle
  • Frequent urination

Symptoms of Kidney Diseases

Kidney disease mostly remains unnoticed since they do not execute any direct symptoms till the condition becomes very severe. Some of the symptoms which might indicate some kidney diseases and must be taken seriously are-

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Swollen feet
  • Muscle cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Foamy urine

If you start noticing these symptoms in your body then it is time for you to consult with a kidney specialist in Siliguri before your kidney condition becomes more severe and fatal.

Kidney conditions treated by an urologist

Some of the most important kidney conditions that are treated by an urologist include-

Chronic kidney disease: The functioning of your kidney can be disrupted through this common kidney disease. It is caused as a result of high blood pressure and diabetes which will worsen after some time. This condition can only be cured using kidney transplantation as there are no other treatment methods available for this disease.

Kidney stones: It is a very common type of kidney disease which affects 12% of the world’s population. You might get kidney stones if you consume more salty foods and drink less water regularly. Kidney stones can be very painful and you must get them treated immediately with the help of a kidney doctor in Siliguri and get relief from this painful condition.

Polycystic kidney disease: As a result of a genetic disorder cysts are formed in the kidney resulting in this rare and severe kidney condition. The cysts forming in the kidney’s outer lining can lead to its failure causing a life-threatening condition.

Glomerulonephritis: As a result of inflammation of the glomeruli this rare kidney disease might occur. Glomeruli is a type of blood vessel network which acts as a filtration unit of the kidney. The rare condition can occur due to abnormalities at the time of birth or as a side effect of some medicines.

Role of an urologist in treating kidney conditions

The role of a urologist is immense in treating kidney diseases and giving you relief from fatal kidney conditions. Some of the paramount roles of an urologist in kidney conditions include-

Advanced diagnostics: urologists get accurate results from tests and real-time images of kidney conditions by conducting several screenings and tests with the help of innovative technology and up-to-date facilities.

Comprehensive treatment: urologist provides several treatment procedures based on the condition of the kidney and its severity to help you get relief from the condition.

Surgeries with minimum invasion: By conducting an advanced mode of laparoscopic surgery the urologists treat major kidney disease using minimum surgical invasions.

Things to expect from a urologist:-

  • A range of tests are conducted by a urologist such as a CT scan, ultrasound, MRI scan and Cystoscopy to determine to problem in the kidney.
  • Urine tests and blood tests are commonly conducted by urologists while diagnosing the disease.
  • Sometimes biopsy can be conducted by the urologist to look out for cancer after analysing your medical history.

Important time to consult with a urologist:-

If you experience some abnormal conditions you must consult an urologist immediately to avoid future fatality. Some of such abnormal conditions include-

Kidney disease: The abnormal functioning of the kidney can lead to several complications in the body.

Kidney stones: These are the huge masses of large waste particles which are unfiltered and cause disturbance infiltration.

Male infertility: When there is a block in sperm delivery or low sperm production.

UTIs: Urinary tract infection is a common disease in women that occurs in the urethra causing serious complications to the kidney.

Enlarge prostate: As a result of this condition severe pain can be experienced at the time of urination.

Bladder prolapse: Due to this severe condition the bladder can bulge into the vagina.

The kidney is a vital part of our body which filters out all the waste particles and keeps you from getting sick. The role of an urologist in treating kidney diseases is immense. If you are suffering some kidney diseases you can consult with an urologist in Siliguri and get yourself cured before the condition becomes fatal.

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