Navigating Treatment Options For Prostate Cancer

Navigating Treatment Options For Prostate Cancer


Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer occurring in men and can cause some serious effects on the health. If you notice symptoms such as a painful sensation during urination, blood in the urine or frequent need to pee then it is time for you to consult with a prostate doctor in Siliguri. This will help you to get confirmed if you are suffering from cancer and get early treatment.

It is very important to understand what prostate cancer is before knowing about its treatment methods. The prostate is a small gland in men which produces seminal fluid. The uncontrollable growth of the prostate cells can cause prostate cancer. This cancer has a nature of slow growth and can be identified with the help of a digital rectal exam.

Prostate cancer is mainly seen to be occurring in older men and being diagnosed with this type of cancer causes some emotional effects to the patient. However, in present days, it is seen that the survival rate of prostate cancer is rising with the right treatment and care of the patient.

Treatment Methods Suggested By The Top Urologist in Siliguri

The diagnosis and right treatment options play a very crucial part in prostate cancer as it will help along with a support network to enhance the journey of recovery from prostate cancer. Depending on the stage of cancer and the health condition the treatment methods vary which include-

Active Surveillance

If you are at a lower risk of suffering from localised prostate cancer then you will have to undergo active surveillance. In this method, your healthcare provider will observe your condition closely without providing immediate treatment.

The monitoring methods used include occasional biopsy, DREs and PSA testing routines. Treatments are initiated after the signs of progression are noticed.


The process of removing the prostate gland surgically is known as prostatectomy. Some of the most common surgical methods which are used include- open surgery, laparoscopy and robotic-assisted.

Radical prostatectomy is the most common surgical method in this process along with removing the prostate gland its nearby tissues are also removed and are used for the treatment of localised cancer.

Radiation Therapy

In these treatment methods some type of high-energy particles or photons are being used. This type of therapy can either be external or internal. In the external method, radiation beams are used from the outside of the body towards the prostate for over a week. In the internal method, the radioactive seeds are directly implanted into the prostate.

Hormone Therapy

The androgens or the male hormones can enhance the growth of cells causing prostate cancer. This therapy is used to help in lowering the level of such hormones. It is achieved using orchiectomy which is the testicular excision surgery or medication.


In this method certain drugs are used to kill the cancer-causing cells. This method is used in the case of advanced stage of prostate cancer which cannot be treated with hormone therapy.


In this treatment method the immune system of the body is used to fight against cancer. Provengen is a type of vaccine which is mainly used in immunotherapy to fight against prostate cancer by stimulating the immune system.

Targeted Therapy

n this method, a certain chemical is being targeted which is mainly essential for the metastasis and development of the cancer-causing cells. Men suffering from genetic mutations are treated by PARP inhibitors which is a type of targeted therapy.

Clinical Trials 

Sometimes certain advanced treatment methods are used to treat cancer which is not yet available to the public. New medications, fresh perspectives or therapeutic combinations are included in the clinical trials.

Although prostate cancer is mostly common in men and can cause some serious issues in their health with the right treatment and care it can be cured easily. If you start noticing symptoms of prostate cancer it is very important to consult with a prostate doctor in Siliguri about your condition. Early diagnosis and treatment will ensure quick recovery.

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