Common Prostate Problems: Causes & Treatment

Common Prostate Problems: Causes & Treatment


The prostate is one of the most crucial glands of the male body that focuses on the development of healthy sperm. However, in some cases, these prostate glands have a high risk of being affected by various types of diseases. If you have issues regarding your prostate you may also consult with some of the best prostate doctors in Siliguri who can help you to get rid of all the problems associated with your prostate.

The prostate is a small gland located on the pelvic area which often grows in size with the increasing age. These sudden changes in size and shape may cause various problems such as inflamed prostate, enlarged prostate, prostate cancer and many more. The following blog includes a detailed discussion about common forms of prostate problems, their causes and effective treatment.

Prostate Problems

The prostate is a male reproductive gland that plays a crucial role in the development of healthy sperm which affects fertility health. However, changes in age, hormonal levels and medical conditions may cause various forms of prostate problems. While most of the conditions are treated using medications and therapies, some of them might need to undergo surgical procedures. Although changes in size and increasing age are considered the major risks there are various other factors associated with it. Following are some of the most common types of prostate problems that need proper medical attention.

Common Types of Prostate Problems


One of the most common forms of prostate problems, Prostatitis are the inflammation in the prostate glands that with time causes severe pain and burning sensation in the abdominal area. The conditions are mostly seen in men above the age of 50 and most of the time cannot be cured. However, consulting with some of the best prostate doctors in Siliguri can help to manage its symptoms.


Chronic Prostatitis Pain Syndrome is another type of prostate problem that mostly occurs due to injury and irritation in the urinary tract. Difficulty in urination, frequent peeing, and trouble ejaculating are some of its symptoms. Using prescribed medications and changes in lifestyle can help to reduce its symptoms.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

This is a major form of prostate disease that includes enlargement of the prostate glands mostly seen among older people. With a lack of adequate treatment, this condition may lead to affecting the health of kidneys and urinary bladders. While in most cases, the doctor prescribes medicine to reduce the inflammation and size of the gland, in some cases, you might need to undergo surgery causing a better flow of urine flow the body.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most severe forms of prostate problems which if left untreated can lead to life-threatening situations. Increases in age and genetics are considered to be some of the most common causes of it however, injury and growth of malignant are also the major reasons. You can also get expert help from the best urologist in Siliguri who can help you overcome cancer with effective treatment and compassionate care.

Causes of Prostate Problems

There are numerous factors that can cause prostate problems in men, while some of them are caused due to age-related factors and health conditions, some of them might be caused due to injury and bacterial infections. Following are some of the most common factors that cause prostate problems in men.

-Genetic mutations

-Abnormalities in the urinary tract

-Urinary tract infections

-Surgical trauma in the pelvic area

-Advanced age above 50 years old

-Family history of prostate problems

-Changes in the size of the prostate

-Following a poor lifestyle


Prostate problems are one of the most common forms of medical conditions that affect numerous amounts of male individuals. Fortunately, most of these conditions are treatable with proper treatment plans and changes in lifestyles. In most prostate problems the doctor might prescribe medication to manage its symptoms. If the medications are not able to manage the symptoms then the doctor might conduct surgical treatments to get rid of the symptoms and allow you to have permanent relief from the condition. However, in the case of prostate cancer surgery is a must followed by radiation therapies to remove the malignant cells from the body. The common forms of treatment procedures for the prostate gland include:

Monitoring of the condition

Most of the prostate problems are known to go on their own, so the doctor in the first step might monitor the potential risk of the conditions getting worse and whether or not it needs medical treatment.


The doctor may prescribe a set of medications that can help to reduce the inflammation in the urinary tract and relax muscles of the pelvic region to manage the pain caused by the prostate problem.

-Pelvic floor therapies

In some of the conditions, you might also need to undergo various pelvis floor therapies that might help to manage some forms of urinary-related conditions.

-Radio waves and chemotherapies

Radio waves and chemotherapies are mostly used during prostate cancer. These are the last forms of treatments used to remove the malignant cells from the prostate.

Prostate problems are a common form of male disease which if treated earlier can help to overcome the disease completely. In case you have been suffering from issues related to your prostate and urinary tract you may consider consulting the prostate doctor in Siliguri who with modern treatment methods and care can help to resolve all of your prostate issues.

Although prostate problems are common in males they can be treated with proper treatment and regular monitoring. While there are various medical conditions associated with it, changes in lifestyle can also highly benefit towards the better treatment of prostate problems.

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