5 Common Diseases Of The Urinary System

5 Common Diseases Of The Urinary System


The urinary system is one of the most essential systems of our body, and its main function is to create urine and filter blood. The renal pelvis, kidneys, urethra, ureters, and bladder are the organs included in the urinary system. Improper functioning of any of these organs can lead to various urologic diseases. 

Urologic diseases can make the blood full of extra water and waste products that can lead to other health complications and malfunctions including cardiovascular disorders. If you’re experiencing any pelvic discomfort, painful urination, blood with urine, or incontinence, then you must contact an experienced urologist in Siliguri.
Given below are some of the most common urologic diseases. 

1. Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder is a health condition, where you feel a sudden and frequent urge for urination. These urges can be extremely hard to control and can also lead to unintentional urine loss. 
Urinary tract infections, neurological disorders, hormonal changes, diabetes, declined cognitive function and certain medications can be some of the causes of overactive bladder. The symptoms of this issue can be controlled by specific behavioral strategies and lifestyle changes such as managing chronic diseases, dietary changes, and strengthening pelvic floor muscles. 

2. Enlarged Prostate 

Enlarged prostate or benign prostate enlargement is a medical condition among men that affects your urination process. It mostly develops a pressure over the urethra and bladder, which causes frequent urination, and difficulty emptying the bladder fully. 
Hormonal changes and age can be the main factors behind this health condition. Certain lifestyle changes for mild symptoms and surgery or medications for severe symptoms can be recommended by the doctor for treating an enlarged prostate.
Common Diseases of Urinary System

3. Kidney Infections 

Kidney infections are a kind of urinary tract infection, which is also known as pyelonephritis. The infection can begin from the urethra but can also affect both kidneys negatively. For stopping permanent damage to the kidneys, it is essential to provide urgent treatment. 
Nausea, fever, chills, belly pain, blood during urination, back pain, strong urge, and burning feeling during urination are some of the symptoms of kidney infection. You can consult a kidney doctor in Siliguri if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms. 

4. Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are a common urologic disease that is also known as nephrolithiasis. This health condition mostly develops due to the formation of salts and minerals inside the kidneys. 
Pain in the lower abdomen, back, and below ribs, fever, burning sensation during urination, and red or brown urine are some of the prominent symptoms of kidney stones. 
Common Diseases of Urinary System

5. Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is a serious kidney complication that is often experienced by people suffering from Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Protein in urination, improper control of blood pressure, loss of appetite, fatigue, and swelling of the ankle and feet are some of the symptoms of this disease. 
You must always remember that early diagnosis and treatment is extremely essential for all of these diseases. You can book an appointment with an urologist in Siliguri for seeking expert guidance. If left untreated, any of these urologic diseases can lead to life-threatening health complications such as prostate cancer and kidney failure. 
You can also involve in certain lifestyle improvements for preventing the diseases affecting the urinary system such as staying hydrated, quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, and limiting the consumption of salt. 

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